

just wanted to clarify around the akane/kohiru thing, which is still rly just a rumour mind, that the reason this was important to some of us in 2022/3 was to merge a pair of players on the accurate leaderboards into a single player for the sake of accuracy [1/4]

7/13/2024, 2:47:31 PM

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there’s no negative sentiment inherent in the idea of one person having alternate identities online, at least not from me. i would prefer for everyone online to go by full name, photo and the actual location they’re from (as in childhood), but i don’t judge online entities

7/13/2024, 2:47:31 PM

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especially not in this case where jpep l’ostraciseur was threatening to cancel kohiru for having the wrong opinions on feminism

these situations where someone fakes a voice reveal will always be commented on in private and/or public, and ppl will make what they will of it

7/13/2024, 2:47:32 PM

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after i’ve made the calls on who is who for the leaderboards, it’s none of my business. if someone changes identity to try to move past a previous life then that’s also cool. it’s only a problem if it’s used as a cover for bullying (anonymous8/ydramul etc.) [4/4]

7/13/2024, 2:47:33 PM

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