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another allegorical dream

i dreamt i walked into the sms community discussion channel and there was a long ongoing convo in which ppl had finally decided to end all the bullshit. there were even friends from my past (like pokemon go) there cos they cared about my well-being

3/31/2024, 9:04:22 AM

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right before that i dreamt i bought and ate rare stroopwafel-flavour milka from a counter before the owner revealed it had been made contraband cos it was a trojan horse made by the dutch to poison the english with anthrax

3/31/2024, 9:04:23 AM

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i’d fallen asleep thinking about how, after 13h str8 of microsoft solitaire, i don’t want to go but am persevering to the end regardless. and i had just read about the xz backdoor (which seems like state terrorism atm)

that 1:45 in grandmaster freecell random seed is cracked tho

3/31/2024, 9:04:23 AM

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