maybe the best thread on social justice i’ve ever seen. deconstructs western wokeness and victim-blaming https://twitter.com/fanoniscanon/status/1761200480296874007
2/24/2024, 3:54:14 PM
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link← @shoutplenty Twitter archive
maybe the best thread on social justice i’ve ever seen. deconstructs western wokeness and victim-blaming https://twitter.com/fanoniscanon/status/1761200480296874007
2/24/2024, 3:54:14 PM
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it deconstructs human nature more than anything. humans are wired to seek out victimhood, so they co-opt oppression. they’re wired to hate each other, so they bullshit about ancestral claims to oppression and counter anti-blackness with anti-whiteness
2/24/2024, 3:54:14 PM
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if they can’t see what’s wrong with normalising using racial slurs and having an anti-assimilation lgbt movement (both tools of seeding division) then they’ll never figure their way out from the rubble of capitalism and empire (that which actually controls them)
2/24/2024, 3:54:15 PM
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