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@TDDwarf @Dogecyanide i think the idea of meeting a few sm64 runners you know works well, cos it’s just grabbing a drink, fairly local, meeting friends privately that your other friends and family needn’t know about, and small meets are good for crossing the social anxiety bar

11/24/2023, 2:51:54 PM

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@TDDwarf thence u build up a network of ppl who might wanna come esa and that kinda thing. my first step into pokemon go community bitd was a 7-person meet

i would’ve put my effort behind some meetups to just be there for everyone and make them feel valued as well

11/24/2023, 2:52:23 PM

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@TDDwarf i’m honestly still down to meet a few ppl and unsuccessfully nudged a few smo runners to bring the british discord back a few months ago haha

11/24/2023, 2:52:44 PM

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