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unironically i think if i'd seen the way western leaders + media are normalising genocide and backing w/e nazism is coming from israel atm, it would've made me a lot less naive in dealing w/ my own shit online, like say with the thread from the sms bingo bullying to my ban [1/7]

10/13/2023, 8:29:49 PM

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there's a level on which ppl want to believe ethics are governed by the same kinds of laws as are sciences and logic, rather than that they're a rhetorical tool for winning power struggles. cos rhetorical ethics still build up a sense of stability, of the world making sense

10/13/2023, 8:29:49 PM

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– but only short-term. years, decades... it lulls you. then when it breaks down, most ppl dissociate and go into non-confrontation, while a few freely engage in unmasked oppression, with past words+stances forgotten. you can't touch ppl with accusations of hypocrisy

10/13/2023, 8:29:50 PM

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i've had to endure a rather insane amount of revisionism in my online conflicts, all from situations rooted in me standing up to someone bullying or abusing me. and i was naive about it cos of the long period of stability in which ethics seemed to "make sense"

10/13/2023, 8:29:51 PM

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at heart, humans choose what to support via emotion, then rationalise it out, oblivious to the gaslighting caused by trying to make sense of a dissonant reading of history. it's not what happened, but.. who's pretty, charming, has the most mutuals, is most convincing as a victim

10/13/2023, 8:29:52 PM

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politically, i definitely regret being too young to see for myself the propaganda that was directed vs serbia, and i feel stupid for the extent to which i fell for, like, things biden said early on in the war on ukraine. stuff like spheres of influence being antiquated (as if)

10/13/2023, 8:29:52 PM

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but yeah, i ain't sayin nothin new

ethics + history are tools for winning power struggles. to establish false narratives that benefit someone. that's how ppl view the world. they start w/ a feeling, then revise facts and deploy culture-appropriate rhetoric to get their way [7/7]

10/13/2023, 8:29:53 PM

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