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also oof

that's 3/3 on people being wrong

i actually lost some friends for posting views critical of gender ideology, on the grounds of this being "harmful". and with the PM's bigoted statement today, i feel like this is a good time to discuss the role of bigotry in ideology

10/4/2023, 7:50:46 PM

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start with the definition. the main thing that characterises actual bigotry is unreasonableness, so sticking to beliefs in the face of evidence or a lack of it. ppl have lately conflated this with views that oppress minorities – "x-phobic" or such, but it's not the same thing

10/4/2023, 7:50:47 PM

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what falls thru the cracks is forming maybe-oppressive opinions on contested issues where it's not *clearly* unreasonable

we're talking about sex. sex is spectral, so there're ways sex can be changed and ways it can't. there's no reason to prefer either definition intrinsically

10/4/2023, 7:50:48 PM

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i think maybe the greatest failing of gender ideology is it seeks to mind-control which concept of sex and gender people innately associate with the words. but you can't speak ideology into existence, cos you can't override how ppl experience the world

10/4/2023, 7:50:49 PM

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the role of trans rights is to make ppl understand the experience of being transgender, and which concepts of sex etc. should be relevant to rights/treatment

put another way: getting people to respect pronouns should not entail brainwashing them on how they see sex/gender

10/4/2023, 7:50:50 PM

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it's an individual experience. nobody should be converting people to experience "woman"-ness one way or another

therein you see the disagreement in the screenshot, where people see "facts" and "existence" as rooted in specific experiences of words/concepts

10/4/2023, 7:50:51 PM

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clearly the most harmful aspect of this tho is the declaration made by the prime minister. it is, as stated, a reaction to gender ideology. however, it declares an interpretation of sex that leaves no nuance. and since this is a political speech, that is transphobic bigotry

10/4/2023, 7:50:52 PM

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it is "obstinate or unreasonable" to fight over how ppl should think of concepts, something that the PM here and ppl who sloganeer "transwomen are women" etc are equally guilty of. whether these views are prejudiced, maybe not cos they have valid basis, but they're discriminatory

10/4/2023, 7:50:53 PM

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the way forward is to pull back from dogmatism and start to respect individual experiences of sex/gender. then we can avoid both spreading suspicion of trans people and people feeling mind-controlled by ideology

bigotry in rights debates is usually avoided by being specific

10/4/2023, 7:50:53 PM

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e.g. my primary experience of "woman" is of characteristics like voice, body shape, and virtual perceptions like of genitals and dna. to me, feminism is mostly reproductive rights. i see gender as meta bollocks, but also don't care about sex, rather see the person for the person

10/4/2023, 7:50:54 PM

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to me, trans rights should be based on treating everyone the way they want to be treated, and sidelining my own perception in order to make other people feel as valid as poss. it should be about dismissing the effect of sex/gender in platonic relationships, just like feminism

10/4/2023, 7:50:55 PM

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i also think it'd be good for everyone to start distinguishing between bigotry and reasonable beliefs, bc we live in such propagandised times that we can rationally come to wildly different conclusions

i get attacked as if i have bigoted views despite showing the most self-doubt

10/4/2023, 7:50:56 PM

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it could still be true that my views aren't reasonable, but patience is needed to establish that. and ig that explains why whenever ppl say things i see as harmful to oppressed groups, i don't judge, try to talk about it, but accept their povs much more often than not [14/14]

10/4/2023, 7:50:57 PM

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