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the most important thing to say here is that speedrunning is an inherently mentally toxic activity that, much like drugs, you have to have a specific mindset for it to benefit you

speedrunning is overrun with vulnerable people who have become damaged by it [1/10] https://twitter.com/JKAR03_SR/status/1706304729200910574

9/27/2023, 12:21:50 AM

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the biggest problem with it is the slippery slope, via slow improvements, into a timesink whose payoff is not guaranteed and can take an unbounded amount of time to achieve

so, for starters, you have a hobby that aggressively presses you for your time

9/27/2023, 12:21:51 AM

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the demographic of speedrunners is characterised by autism (the reason many find the activity interesting at all), as well as by marginalisation from the real world and seeking some form of solace in the online world. so speedrunners are on the whole very vulnerable

9/27/2023, 12:21:52 AM

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speedrunning attacks them for their time, also by:

(1) exploiting their self-esteem problems, by offering meaning to their lives by having the chance to be the best in the world at niche/underdeveloped sports, and by

(2) addicting them to dopamine payoffs that become ever rarer

9/27/2023, 12:21:53 AM

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the harder it becomes to pb, the natural focus on the meaning of achievements falling on *peak* performance, and the sunk cost, altogether develop an addiction to a pb that leaves a hollow aftertaste and existential comedown

9/27/2023, 12:21:53 AM

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sport has hard demands players have to be mature enough to handle – handling rage, delaying gratification, disconnecting self-esteem from performance. speedrunners tend to be visibly inadequate at these, causing widespread egotism, or derision/devaluing of achievements/playstyles

9/27/2023, 12:21:54 AM

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the onlineness of the activity mustn't be ignored as well, bc the demographic is vulnerable to loneliness, bullying and conflict-aversion, which means manipulative, predatory behaviour goes unchallenged and even psychopaths go unnoticed and thrive

9/27/2023, 12:21:55 AM

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that's about it. speedrunning has some mental health benefits, providing a worthwhile skill to develop, an easily self-taught one to boost self-confidence and promote a love of learning and improvement. it gives achievements to be proud of

9/27/2023, 12:21:56 AM

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so a mentally secure person stands to gain something from it for sure (tho it's debatable whether repeating the same thing over and over is the best use of anyone's time). however, ppl w/ unhealthy relationships with speedrunning are dominant enough that sms community has turned

9/27/2023, 12:21:57 AM

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into a cesspit since 2021. and i just see the pain on enough individuals that i feel like it's important to talk and warn about

i was always healthy w/ the sport, rather lost myself in the ppl side of it, but these issues underlay why other ppl were so bad and the knock-on on me

9/27/2023, 12:21:58 AM

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