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it says a lot about how performative cancel-culture is that nobody is ever looking for the abuser’s permanent accountability to the victim

it is just a popularity contest then, as if there’s a culture war between the two sides and you have to convert everyone to pick one

8/25/2023, 11:55:57 AM

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an abuser can block a victim and mount a canvassing campaign to show ey has “changed” and the public will think nothing of it and that, since ey has 10 likes, maybe ey really has changed

8/25/2023, 11:55:58 AM

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but i’ve noticed that the ideas of living with what you did, freely acknowledging it forever, being considerate of the victim forever, are totally foreign to ppl these days. quite the opposite; ppl often get away with bullying those they once hurt

8/25/2023, 11:55:58 AM

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