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ay fíl layk ay shuld bí bíing thø cheynge ay wʌnt tú sí when it cʌmes tú inglish spelling ríform lol. thíse are phøneticølly-spelt vawls. ay ólredy úse gendr-nútrl níowprownawns (ey/em/er) for thø seyme rísøn bʌt that's ø mʌch less inveysive cheynge innit. idk thow,

8/7/2023, 10:36:05 PM

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shit's ísy ønʌf for mí tú ríd, bʌt meyby it's wey hardr if yor ownly languige is inglish sow yú down't know whot thø vawls are søppowsd tú sawnd layke. and ay wuldn't tʌch thø consønønts at først sow thø wørds stey recøgnaysøble. it luks dícønt as well, kayndø ayslandic layke

8/7/2023, 10:36:06 PM

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lots of pressing shit tú fix in thø wørld like aydentity aydíoløgy, wørld wor politics and thø claymit, bʌt súnr or leytr yú gotta øddress thø fact that it teyks layk thrí tayms longr for sʌmʌn tú lørn thø wørld's lingua franca cos thø spelling is clawn-emowjy lol. fʌkd and bombd

8/7/2023, 10:43:15 PM

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