adventures in web development
6/20/2023, 3:30:13 AM
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adventures in web development
6/20/2023, 3:30:13 AM
Favs: 3
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it’s doooone thoooo! i was missing a good viewer app for the sms il leaderboard tracker so here it isss https://smsilview.netlify.app
this is basically a leaderboard of all known ils w/o any of the politics of hate from the official one. no bans, no anonymousplayer12, just data
6/20/2023, 3:30:14 AM
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i never got the font shit sorted so iphone users will enjoy times new roman. it was the font of a generation
i’ll write more later but it was a 5 day project and turned out reeaalllyyy well, didn’t expect that at all. no exp of frontend going in but got carried by my backend lad
6/20/2023, 3:30:14 AM
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