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with any concept in music theory, i try to attach a motivating example to it in my head, smth that captures the point of it, and i think mixolydian ♭6 scale is best paired with my iron lung by radiohead https://youtu.be/pRU-6vaKaf4

5/12/2023, 9:51:29 PM

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the name of this scale is kinda cryptic; it's best understood as an alternative to dorian, which is itself best thought of as a scale of -2 brightness

(where minor is -3 and major is 0; brightness is the relative number of flattened notes, and is a generalisation of happy/sad)

5/12/2023, 9:51:32 PM

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this song demos this scale via a I-iv prog, which is the "minor plagal cadence" oft used to convey the 🥺 emotion lol. the call (I) is like G mixolydian, the edgy blues scale most rock is based in, while response (iv) is like G natural minor, melancholic singer-songwriter scale

5/12/2023, 9:51:33 PM

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when playing these changes, u can (1) swap key (mixo ↔ natural minor) every bar, or u can (2) fix a mixo ♭6 scale for the whole thing – 1 is more western approach, gives vivid voice leading between the notes that change, and 2 more african, tense and jazzy, same notes thru-out

5/12/2023, 9:51:33 PM

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music theory is to create ideas, not to pigeonhole. i feel like this song flows between both ideas in different parts. u can also just see it as a 9-note scale and pick the brightness u want each time

i'd say the western approach can be more vivid but also more gaudy/predictable

5/12/2023, 9:51:34 PM

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