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ofc that target (= top 100) was set in december when it was #94, but nowadays this run is #101 at least 🤦 even so, i don't wanna grind any% anymore but might play it sometimes

this means i can retire my old friend the 1:18:50 comparison; here's how i did against it:

4/6/2023, 8:47:15 PM

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i was on the lta event stream during world 5/6, then taken off cos they thought my savewarp was a reset 🐍 i wanna worddd...

but nah it was cool, a total surprise for the big pb to come out then, and a fun day. i was refeatured for the final boss, will link after it's uploaded

4/6/2023, 8:47:16 PM

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Retweets: 0