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i've been thinking about this since those tareq tweets accusing jjsrl of being a "paedo sympathiser" or whatever and feel like it's worth addressing now it's come up again here

so i'm gonna tell a story about the sniperking case and reactions to it [1/11] https://twitter.com/MootantsAboos/status/1632143493908004864

3/5/2023, 3:40:23 PM

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when this came out, i saw 2 ppl publicly threaten to block those who dared to keep following sniperking on twitter. one was lumardy, the other one of lu's best friends

lu later went down for a real abuse case. i don't just mean bigotry vs a general group as agge is accused of

3/5/2023, 3:40:23 PM

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i mean faking being abused + lying for months to where i was cut out of a mutual friend group for it. and continuing despite being confronted w/ the pain it inflicted

the 1st thing i want ppl to get str8 is the difference btwn bigotry and actual abuse directed at an individual

3/5/2023, 3:40:24 PM

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now, put yourself in the position of lu's friend i mentioned. do you think said friend ditched lu after that case came out? as if! they stuck by him and never spoke to me again

i'm not saying this is directly hypocritical, since the sniperking case was worse. however,

3/5/2023, 3:40:24 PM

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it directly calls into question whether this friend would ever publicly threaten to block ppl who support abusers again, given they did just that

plus, following someone on twitter is not directly supporting. the same goes for unbanning agge on twitch here

3/5/2023, 3:40:25 PM

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when tareq talks about jj supporting sniperking, he refers to comments jj made while struggling to reconcile a close friend being outed as an abuser

and imo it takes the smallest amount of empathy to understand what jj was going thru there

3/5/2023, 3:40:26 PM

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likewise, it's not for me to judge why someone who was already close friends w/ lu would remain close with him

here again is the issue w/ jer's letter to urbani and mlarvitar grooming several ppl to harass inkstar for a whole year over supporting some1 who isn't even an abuser

3/5/2023, 3:40:26 PM

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which takes me full-circle to this clair tweet about another non-abuser. i think ppl've been getting it entirely wrong to what extent they should judge + intervene w/ 3rd parties supporting ppl who've done something bad

by shaming some1 for this, u might judge their personal—

3/5/2023, 3:40:26 PM

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relationship. and those come above even abuse cases, period. else you might judge their motives. i leave ppl unblocked on twitch and even had guy2308 in my chat once purely cos i like to keep communication open. i listen to what even abusers say to better understand them

3/5/2023, 3:40:27 PM

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listening ≠ supporting. others may just block them. but judging some1 for not blocking them is at the very least creating unnecessary conflict

i'm probs the most outspoken r.e. abuse cases and encouraging ppl to discuss the significance of abusive actions and judge their perps

3/5/2023, 3:40:27 PM

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but i don't have the right to threaten ppl over following/unbanning some1

that said, theres a hard balance to get right cos e.g. i have before reacted to ppl posting msgs directly supporting abusers

no hate to clair who's otherwise among the most based in that community [11/11]

3/5/2023, 3:40:28 PM

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