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i have kind of a persistent dilemma about whether to wind up sms speedruns despite not having achieved my outset goal, or to take a when-it's-done approach, meaning put in as much time as needed. this is also a more general mindset question for me, like

2/9/2023, 1:46:13 PM

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on the one hand, i've made good mental progress letting go of the things tying me down, which brings peace + clarity for assessing where to go next. on the other, when-it's-done is all i've ever known and it feels dumbbb to cut loose a project that's sure to finish soon

2/9/2023, 1:46:14 PM

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not to mention stressful. it's been v distressing going around like "oh these things must end by this time" when u just don't feel ready to end them

there is a balance, between having impetus towards tying up loose ends, and coming to a position of letting go at your own pace

2/9/2023, 1:46:14 PM

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u psyche yourself out if u go too fast but prolong a listless state, vulnerable to further pain (further incidents or invasive thoughts), if u go too slowly

even tho i feel worse w every calendar milestone that passes, when-it's-done is the only way i'll get it done

2/9/2023, 1:46:15 PM

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