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i've been calm about @1upsforlife for a couple of weeks but i get thoughts as i process it that i want to write down, but can't cos of the ethical quagmire the situation was left in. so i'm gonna take a shot at untangling it finally

n.b. i can be reached by twitter dm here [1/5]

12/14/2022, 4:05:15 AM

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basically, there was a (successful) group op to ostracise me w/ a secret case based on her, but how it unravelled meant i wasn't able to establish her *intent* to do that, nor to not do that. since it seemed abundantly clear to me that the case didn't merit ban/ostracisation,

12/14/2022, 4:05:16 AM

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and it was seen in an earlier case that mounting fake cases of victimhood is a serious form of emotional abuse, i expected her to expunge the case from official bans and debunk hearsay that i'd abused her. i will write a more detailed/technical argument soon and let her respond

12/14/2022, 4:05:16 AM

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but basically, i am tryna avoid my past pattern of eagerly reacting to predictions of other ppl's stances, which made many situations (like our own) worse than they needed to be. i am trying to promote both keep-talking (per my essay) and no-hate (see picture)

12/14/2022, 4:05:17 AM

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i'm aware that her mentality, jpitar politics etc. may prevent a convo but i'm trying to give as much of a chance as i can here. i stand by everything i said in my public video on this + in my private apology to her, but i need to know whether she stands by ostracising me for it

12/14/2022, 4:05:18 AM

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